Thursday, December 4, 2008

More of Iky and his birthday!

Well Izaac had in his own words "Super Cool Birthday!" We went out to dinner with my mom, brother, Laura, and Lila, to Outback. He is so funny he walked in the restaurant and said : Its my Birthday can you sing to me please!" The hostess looked at him and said " You don't want me to sing, but I will get someone to sing to you, OK?" He looked at her and said "OK". He is getting so grown up. Today we had his party at school. He was so excited to be the center of attention!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Iky!

Its hard to believe that my little man is 4 today!

Iky brings joy to everyday. He loves his superheros, trains, he loves to read I spy books, and writing letters to his daddy( you know like " A, J , I, Z" LOL).Iky can write his own name and a few other words.Its been hard for him not having his daddy around, but he is proud of his daddy for joining the army. These pictures are from last night, i forgot to take a picture of him this morning , so i will add more later. I just want Izaac to know that i love him and that i am grateful to my heavenly father for bringing him into my life! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY IZAAC MASON JEWELL!!

She is Here!!

Welcome to the world baby Lila Marie Bell-Alvarez. Its hard to believe my little brother is a father. Lila was born on Thanksgiving day at 10:03pm, she was 6lbs 6oz and 19ins long. She has blue eyes and blonde hair. Mother, baby and father are all doing good.

Iky was not happy that they didn't use the name that he picked. So i told him that he can call her that for her nickname. So here is Iky and "Maryland" Lol.


We had a great Thanksgiving . It was nice to spend it with family. We went up to my mother in laws house in WV. My mom came up too. It was hard to believe that it was the first time in 8 years that Jason and I weren't together. But all in all it was a great day.